piątek, 13 września 2013

RaspFPGA mezzanine board for Raspberry Pi

I present to you an extension card for Raspberry Pi. This circuit connects all GPIO pins of Raspberry Pi to Spartan3 FPGA chip and leaves all remaining inputs/outputs pins of FPGA for the final user. I used Spartan3AN chip which can be configured from internal flash memory at start up or by SPI from Raspberry Pi.

The circuit is mechanically and electrically compatible with LCD TFTDisp 4 RaspPAR design published on my blog in March. It contains 25MHz clock source for FPGA, USB to RS232 converter and real time module. I share this piece of hardware with community as OpenHardware.

RaspFPGA-E6 v1.1_4MBEcho.zip

czwartek, 25 lipca 2013

Milling models gallery

Below I paste all elements I've done at PCNC-1100 milling machine during three years at the University of Nicolaus Copernicus.

Rys. 1 - Breadboard for BEC group

Rys. 2 - CB radio holder for my car

Rys. 3 - CB radio holder for my car (folded)

Rys. 4 - Heatsink gasket

Rys. 5 - Optical bench for Coherent laser

Rys. 6 - Heat sink for laser chiller

Rys. 7 - Cover complementary to the previous heat sink

Rys. 8 - Laser chiller (assembly)

Rys. 9 - Optical breadboard

Rys. 10 - Precise optical holder

Rys. 11 - Front panel of an audio amplifier (front)

Rys. 12 - Front panel of an audio amplifier (section)

Rys. 13 - Front panel of an audio amplifier (back)

Rys. 14 - Doughnut shaped PBC

Rys. 15 - Radio frequency amplifier case

Rys. 16 - Half/quarter waveplate rotary motorized mount (assembly)

Rys. 17 - Half/quarter waveplate rotary motorized mount (body)

Rys. 18 - Half/quarter waveplate rotary motorized mount (pattern for milling)

Rys. 19 - Half/quarter waveplate rotary motorized mount (cover)

Rys. 20 - Stepper motor driver front panel

Rys. 21 - Water tank walls

Rys. 22 - Laser holder for HP pen plotter

Rys. 23 - Laser holder for HP pen plotter

piątek, 29 marca 2013


Here it is! An LCD display for Raspberry Pi (v2). Lately I play with Raspberry Pi micro-computer. I've found bothering lack of small display and real-time clock (RTC) on-board. Necessity is the mother of invention, so I bought a TFT display, designed a mezzanine PCB and wrote patch for Linux Raspbian "Wheezy". In this post I would like to share it with you my work in few steps.

1. I bought an LCD module, with SSD1298 controller.

 2. I prepared a mezzanine PCB to fix the screen and RTC.

3. I manufactured the PCB.

4. Finally I present you the display working with Raspberry Pi.

At the beginning of this post it's written that the screen and kernel patch works with Raspberry board version 2 but it is possible to modify either the patch and PCB to make it works with version 1.

If you want to have the screen functional at the boot remember to remove default frame buffer form config files before kernel compilation.

Special thanks to Jeroen Domburg from SpritesMods for help in code development and to my wife who supports my hobby.


I've prepared the patch for revision 1.0 of Raspberry Pi. The display connection to the board rev. 1.0 requires some soldering skills. Below there is a list of resistors which one has to remove in order to connect missing IO pins.
  • GPIO28 - R8 & R10
  • GPIO29 - R7 & R9
  • GPIO30 - R4 & R6
  • GPIO31 - R3 & R5
This is the patch file: