@ECHO OFF REM "find" command error codes: REM 0 – The string you were searching for was found. REM 1 – The string you were searching for was not found. REM 2 – This means you had a bad switch or your parameters were incorrect. REM To test: "arp -d [IP]" cancels entry from arp table. Root privilages are required. setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set IPclass=%1 set MACaddress=%2 set "result=" IF "%MACaddress%"=="" ( ECHO Ver. 3.0 ECHO Usage: rarp [IP class] [MAC address] ECHO My popular MAC addresses: ECHO Raspberry B = "b8-27-eb-xx-xx-xx" GOTO break ) ELSE ( FOR /l %%i IN (1,1,254) DO ( CALL :searchMAC IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO break ping -n 1 -w 1 %IPclass%.%%i | find "Reply" > NUL ) ) REM There will be a for cycle if 'arp -a ^| findstr %MACaddress%' gives a reult of at least one line!! :searchMAC SET ERR=0 FOR /f "tokens=*" %%j IN ('arp -a ^| findstr %MACaddress%') DO ( ECHO Found: %%j SET ERR=1 ) IF %ERR% == 0 ECHO|set /p="." EXIT /b %ERR% :break
czwartek, 12 stycznia 2017
RARP batch script
This is my batch script with functionality of reversed arp protocol. It is useful for finding IP address of computers with dynamic IP address like Raspberry Pi.
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